Friday, June 29, 2012

Genital Herpes Cure Research

Millions of people suffer from genital herpes making the need for a cure to the disease an urgent one. Genital herpes cure research is currently focused on developing better treatment regimens and studying the biology of the HSV virus in order to properly understand how it works. By understanding how it works methods and treatments may be devised to properly eliminate it from an infected person.
One of the problems doctors have in formulating a cure for genital herpes is its ability to hide inside the human nervous system, remaining latent until conditions trigger an attack of herpes sores. A vital step in genital herpes cure research is the discovery by researchers from Duke University which hopes address this problem. Scientists have found the part of the viral genome that allow the herpes virus to hide during latent periods. Hopes are high that a drug can be developed to turn off this viral behavior. If successful, those infected with herpes only suffer from a single attack since treatment with antiviral medication would manage to kill off all of the herpes causing virus.
Scientists from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases have also identified certain genes and enzymes which the HSV virus needs to survive. Researchers are optimistic that a drug can be found to disrupt these genes in order to provide a more effective treatment for those with herpes.

Vaccines made from the proteins on the HSV cell surface, peptides, or chains that present important targets to the immune system, and the DNA of the virus itself, are currently being tested along with topical preparations containing microbe killing compounds.
Last year, Michal Margalith, a researcher from US based biopharmaceutical company Vical, say they have developed a vaccine involving the DNA of the virus. The treatment involves injecting the patient with a circular piece of DNA called a plasmid. This plasmid programs cells to produce HSV-2 proteins. These proteins trigger an immune response allowing the immune system of the infected person to fight off the virus. Experiments have managed to trigger an immune response from mice but it may still be a long time before we see this type of DNA-based vaccine approved for human use.
While steps toward formulating a herpes cure are moving forward, scientists still feel it will be several more years before we will be able to reap the fruits of these different research efforts. Meanwhile, prevention still remains the best cure against genital herpes.


Genital Herpes Cure Research
Genital Herpes Cure Research

John Currie is a medical researcher who runs numerous health related sites. John has been providing herpes treatments via his site now for over 5 years. The site has a wealth of genital herpes information including pictures of genital herpes for reference purposes.

The treatments available at include prescription medications such as Acyclovir, Valtrex and Famvir, as well as the highly effective topical coldsores treatment which kills the herpes virus on contact.

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Monday, June 25, 2012

How Teachers Influence The Performance Of Biology In High Schools

Biology plays a key role in industrialization and other sectors of the economy. Biology is a practical subject, which equips students with concepts and skills that are useful in solving the day-today problems of life. The study of biology aims at providing the learner with the necessary knowledge with which to control or change the environment for the benefit of an individual, family or community.

In general, the importance of biology to humanity can be outlined as follows:


(i) The learning of biology helps us to know how to use natural resources more efficiently in industry e.g. in bio-technology, food production, building and textile and paper industries.

How Teachers Influence The Performance Of Biology In High Schools

(ii) The learning of biology helps us to understand changes in the environment and the factors affecting these changes, in order to know how human needs are influenced.

(iii) The learning of biology is important in helping mankind to find effective ways of preventing, treating and curing diseases and home management techniques e.g. better methods of food preservation, efficient food preparation and care of the family

(iv) The learning of biology is important in helping the improvement of agricultural yields through scientific research.

There has been public outcry and concern by parents, teachers, educationists in Kenya about poor performance in science subjects and mathematics in national examinations.

But do you know the biology teacher has a role to play in this poor performance?

Biology as a science subject requires an integration of both theoretical and practical work to make it easily understood by the students. The largest proportion of teachers still use the conventional lecture method while teaching biology.

Teacher expectations have a bearing on the attitude and science anxiety levels of the learners particularly when the learners are aware of the level of expectation the teacher has of them.

In relation to the teaching and learning of biology, attitudes begin to develop on the first encounter between the teacher and the learner, once formed they play a key role in determining students' learning and performance in biology.

Authoritarian and impersonal teacher- student interaction in class could be the major factor that contributes to negative attitude of the students towards learning biology. On the other hand, democratic and personal teacher-student interaction in class elicits positive attitude towards learning biology

The teaching approach, methodology and how the professional skills and practices of the teacher are displayed may be dependent on the level of science anxiety the biology teacher has.

A teacher who suffers from career dissatisfaction is likely to contribute negatively in terms of performance of the learners in biology; this is because the teacher will have lower self-efficacy and high levels of anxiety. This kind of teacher is likely to develop negative attitude towards the students and his/her interaction with the students will be negative and this may contribute to a negative attitude of the students towards biology with the likelihood of the students developing high levels of anxiety towards the subject.

Therefore, teacher perceptions, teaching methods applied, the type of teacher -pupil classroom interactions, teacher expectations of students in terms of performance and science anxiety levels of the teachers- partly contributed by lack of job dissatisfaction or satisfaction are the key factors that influence performance in biology in Kenyan secondary schools.

How Teachers Influence The Performance Of Biology In High Schools

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Saturday, June 23, 2012

How Resveratrol Functions As a Calorie Restricted Diet

Among the many benefits of resveratrol is acting like a calorie restricted diet. In other words, it imitates the reaction of a diet that is calorie restricted. Thus, one will be taking fewer calories without having to suffer hunger pangs. Calorie restriction has proven to prolong the start of age-related diseases like osteoporosis, cancer and diabetes. It also prolongs lifespan in as much as 50%.

Biologically, the process of manufacturing protein in the body is a continual one where new protein is formed while old ones are eliminated. As one age, there would be less new proteins manufactured and the elimination process will slow down, so damaged proteins will accumulate inside the body, which of course hastens the aging process. When calorie is restricted, it will accelerate the process of manufacturing new proteins and the body will be competent and fast enough to get rid of dead proteins.


When resveratrol acts like a calorie restriction diet, it:

How Resveratrol Functions As a Calorie Restricted Diet

-    Lowers triglycerides and LDL cholesterol

-    Increases the muscle mass as it reduces fat

-    Reduce chronic complications like arthritis, diabetes, cancer, and heart disease

-    Eliminates free radicals

-    Improves the protein elimination process and DNA repair

-    Reduces body weight and blood glucose levels

-    Lowers the body temperature and blood pressure

-    Improves physical activity and memory

Calorie restriction is very good for the human body, but the challenge lies in keeping up with the hunger that comes with it. Very few individuals are always ready to endure a reduction of calorie in their diet so that they can live a little while longer. However, with the introduction of resveratrol, it has been made very easy because one will not notice any difference in their hunger levels. The compound has properties that are able to make someone feel energetic and full, thus fighting pangs and cravings.

How Resveratrol Functions As a Calorie Restricted Diet

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Friday, June 15, 2012

Tips on How to Grow Long, Healthy Nails

Let's be honest, a beautiful set of, long, natural healthy nails looks classy and sexy. Immaculately manicured long nails say a lot about your personal style and confidence. We know growing long, healthy nails can be a challenge. Our simple tips show how you too can have a beautiful set of long natural nails.

First a quick biology lesson:


Your nails grow from the area under your cuticle called the matrix. The matrix is the living part of the nail. Your cuticle is the layer of skin that protects the matrix so the cuticle is very important for nail health and growth. As new nail cells grow in the matrix, older nail cells are pushed out toward your fingertips and become hard and compacted. Heredity and health determine how fast nails grow but nails typically grow about 0.1 millimeter a day, which means that it takes a fingernail about four to six months to fully regenerate. Healthy nails are smooth, without ridges or grooves. They're uniform in colour and consistency and free of spots or discoloration.

Tips on How to Grow Long, Healthy Nails

Did you know: Nails grow faster in the summer than in the winter, nails on your dominant hand grow faster, and men's nails grow more quickly than women's, except when a woman is pregnant when nail growth speeds up.

How long should my nails be ?

This is obviously very much a matter of personal choice but a couple of things to bear in mind:

The optimum practical length for your nails depends on your activities and your lifestyle. In general the nail tip should extend no further than one third of the body of the nail.

Nails break less often when they are all of equal length and shaped square, oval, or round.

Tips on growing, long and healthy natural nails:

Long nails tip 1: Don't use your nails as tools.

Rather than using your nails use other parts of your hand, or a pen, to perform tasks like dialing the phone. Don't pick, poke or scrape with your nails and especially avoid opening soft drink cans with your nails.

Long nails tip 2: Wear gloves.

Detergents are particularly harsh on your nails and can cause splitting and peeling. Wear gloves when washing dishes or cleaning. You should also wear gloves when gardening to protect your nails from infection and prevent dryness, damage, and loss of natural oils.

Long nails tip 3: Don't bit your nails or pick at your cuticles.

Aside from the obvious reason of biting shortening your nails these habits can damage the nail bed. Even a minor cut alongside your nail can allow bacteria or fungi to enter the nail bed and cause an infection. Remember your nails grow slowly so an injured nail retains signs of damage for several months.

Long nails tip 4: Look after your cuticles.

The cuticle is a barrier that keeps bacteria from the nail matrix, where new cells are generated, so it should not be cut or trimmed. On the other hand you do want to keep cuticles from becoming overgrown, which suffocates nail growth. If your cuticle has grown out on to the nail plate, after sufficiently softening your cuticles in warm water, very gently use a cuticle pusher to push your cuticles back. As well as pushing your cuticles back this will help to remove dead skin and debris that may have accumulated. Hold the cuticle pusher at an angle, and use tiny circular movements, so that you are as gentle and careful as possible and do not damage the cuticle. When you have finished doesn't forget to moisturize your hands.

Long nails tip 5: Look after your nails.

Trim fingernails and clean under the nails regularly. Use manicure scissors or clippers and a nail file to smooth nail edges. Never pull off hangnails - doing so almost always results in ripping living tissue. Clip hangnails off, leaving a slight angle outward.

Long nails tip 6: Caring for brittle nails.

Trim brittle nails after a bath, or a 15 minute hand soak in bath oil, and then apply a moisturiser. Don't use nail polish remover more than twice a month. Instead, touch up the nail polish. When you do need to use a nail polish remover avoid those that use acetone, which dries out nails. Also consider using a nail strengthener and growth formula.

Long nails tip 7: The role of diet.

Unless your diet is deficient in protein and vitamins dietary changes that supposedly strengthen nails won't work. Your nails can however offer telltale signs of dietary problems such as:
Lack of vitamin A and calcium causing dryness and brittleness.
Lack of protein, folic acid and vitamin C causing hang nails
White bands across the nails caused by protein deficiency.
A lack of sufficient hydrochloric acid causing splitting nails.
Insufficient intake of vitamin B12 leading to excessive dryness, very rounded and curved ends and darkening of nails.
Insufficient zinc causing development of white spots on the nails.
Red skin around your cuticles can be caused by poor metabolism of essential fatty acids.

If you are concerned that your diet may not be balanced and healthy you should consult a medical or nutritional professional.

Long nails tip 8: Moisturise your nails.

Nails need moisture just like your hands do. Rub lotion into your nails when moisturising your hands. Be sure to apply moisturiser each time you wash your hands

Long nails tip 9: Use coloured nail polish.

Use coloured nail polish while you are growing your nails. If you prefer a softer look, try a sheer shade. Coloured nail polish helps you become more aware of your hands and how to use them in a way that keeps your nail polish undamaged and hence your nails protected. It also makes chips easier to spot so that you can make immediate repairs.

Long, beautiful natural nails take commitment and special care to grow and maintain. Be patient, the average nail takes 3 to 6 months to grow.

Frequently asked questions:

My nails are weak. What can I do to strengthen them?

Unfortunately, if you have naturally weak nails then it's probably hereditary and you can't permanently change them. You can, however, do things to make them stronger. Try a nail strengthener and growth formula. Many women are confused about how to use these products, so here are a few tips:

Make sure you apply a thin coat. Because you'll be applying it daily you don't want it to build up too much. If you're at the very beginning stages of growing out your nails only use a strengthener and growth formula on your nail plate and apply it every day. Once your nails start to protrude, and you want to apply nail polish, use the strengthener and growth formula as a base coat and as a top coat.

Why do I have ridges in my nails?

Ridges or corrugations (referred to as beau's lines) in nails occur when nail growth is uneven, usually because of illness or injury. Gentle buffing can minimize ridges. A Ridge Filler will also help to level the nail surface, smoothing out shallow ridges and other imperfections.

What causes my nails to turn yellow and how can I get rid of the yellow stains?

Darker coloured nail polish can cause a chemical reaction between the nail polish's coloring agent and the nail plate. This can cause nails to develop a yellowish color. While it is different for every person this reaction can occur in a matter of days or within weeks of wearing the nail colour. To prevent nails from yellowing always use a base coat before applying nail polish. Not only will this prevent staining but it can also extend the life of the nail polish. For already yellow nails soak nails in a solution of 1/2 cup of water and the juice of one lemon for up to 15 minutes, once a week

Why are my nails so flaky around the cuticle beds? What causes this?

Unless you have an allergy to something you are handling it is likely to be dryness which is the cause. It is important to correct this since, as mentioned, cuticles are very important for nail health. You should regularly moisturize your cuticles, and hands.

My nails can grow, but after a while they begin to peel and stop growing. What can I do to stop this?

Many women want long, well-shaped nails, but the stresses of daily life and work may make them a challenge to grow. Your nails could potentially benefit from additional protection when they reach more vulnerable lengths. A nail strengthener and growth formula could assist.

What causes thin nails and what can make them stronger?

When your general health is good and you are not handling strong chemicals that might affect the nails, it is likely to be heredity that produces thin nails. Your nails could also potentially benefit from a nail strengthener and growth formula.

Tips on How to Grow Long, Healthy Nails

Donna is a trained makeup artist with her own beauty business. As both a business women and a mom with 2 children Donna understands the time pressures on women today and through this, and other articles, has endeavored to take the complexity out of looking great with some "busy women friendly" beauty tips and advice. If you would like to read more of Donna's articles check out her website: []

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Biology Experiments for Teachers - Enzymes: Catalase

Safety. Although the hazards in the following experiments are negligible, you are advised to consult the latest edition of 'Safeguards in the School Laboratory' published by The Association for Science Education ( before embarking on any experiment.

Outline. Catalase is an enzyme which occurs in the cells of many living organisms. Certain of the energy-releasing reactions in the cell produce hydrogen peroxide as an end-product. This compound, which is toxic to the cell, is split to water and oxygen by the action of catalase. 2H2O2 = 2H2O + O2


Samples of liver and yeast are dropped into hydrogen peroxide. Oxygen is evolved and the student is asked to extend the experiment to try and decide if an enzyme in the tissues is responsible. The experiments and the questions take about one hour.

Biology Experiments for Teachers - Enzymes: Catalase

Prior knowledge. The existence of inorganic catalysts; enzymes denatured on boiling; oxygen relights a glowing splint.

Advance preparation and materials - per group

20 volume hydrogen peroxide 50 cm3


liver, about 1 cm cube

distilled water 20 cm3

dried yeast about 1 g

clean sand about 1 g

activated charcoal granules, about 1 g

Apparatus - per group

test-tube rack and 4 test-tubes

forceps or seeker for pushing liver into test-tube

4 labels or spirit marker

filter funnel

Bunsen burner

filter paper

test-tube holder

mortar and pestle


The investigation below is a fairly critical examination of plant and animal tissues to see if
they contain catalase.

(a) Label three test-tubes 1-3.

(b) Pour about 20 mm (depth) hydrogen peroxide into each tube.

(c) Cut the liver into 3 pieces.

(d) To tube 1 add a small piece of liver, and to tube 2 add a pinch of dried yeast.

(e) Insert a glowing splint into tubes 1 and 2, bringing it close to the liquid surface or into the upper part of the froth.

1 Describe what you saw happening and the effect on the glowing splint.

2 How do you interpret these observations?

3 Is there any evidence from this experiment so far, to indicate whether the gas is coming from the hydrogen peroxide or from the solid?

4 Is there any evidence at this stage that an enzyme is involved in the production of gas in this reaction?

(f) In tube 3 place a few granules of charcoal and observe the reaction.

5 Could charcoal be an enzyme? Explain your answer.

6 Assuming (i) that the gas in (f) is the same as before and (ii) that the charcoal is almost pure carbon, does the result with charcoal help you to decide on the source of the gas in this and the previous experiments?

(g) Suppose the hypothesis is advanced that there is an enzyme in the liver and yeast, which decomposes hydrogen peroxide to oxygen and water; design and carry out a control experiment to test this hypothesis.

7 Record (i) the experiment, (ii) the reasons which led you to conduct it, (iii) the observed
results and (iv) your conclusions.

(h) Wash out the test-tubes. Design and carry out an experiment to see if the supposed enzyme in the plant and animal material can be extracted and still retain its properties. The experiment should include a control.

8 Describe briefly your procedure, your results and your conclusions.

9 Assuming that liver and yeast each contain an enzyme which splits hydrogen peroxide, is there any evidence to show that it is the same enzyme? What would have to be done to find this out for certain?

Discussion - answers

1 Effervescence should be observed in each case but it is more vigorous with yeast than with liver. The glowing splint should relight.

2 Oxygen is being produced.

3 There is no evidence to indicate whether the liquid or solid is giving the gas. If the students think that a solid is unlikely to give off a gas they could be reminded of marble and hydrochloric acid in which it is the solid producing the carbon dioxide. It seems less likely, however, that yeast and liver would both give off oxygen when treated with hydrogen peroxide, than that hydrogen peroxide should give oxygen when treated with diverse substances.

4 So far, there is no evidence of an enzyme being involved.

5 A gas will come off but not sufficiently rapidly to relight a glowing splint. Charcoal could not
be an enzyme because (a) it is an element and (b) it has been produced by very high temperatures that would destroy enzymes.

6 Charcoal, as an element, could not be giving off oxygen. The gas must be coming from the
hydrogen peroxide.

7 (i) The experiment should involve boiling the tissues and then putting them into hydrogen peroxide.
(ii) If an enzyme is involved,
(iii) no gas will be produced.

8 The student should grind the samples with a little sand and distilled water, filter and test the filtrate with hydrogen peroxide. Oxygen will be evolved with a vigour proportional to that witnessed when the original substances were tested.

The student should boil half of each extract and show that it loses its activity.

9 There seems no fundamental reason why yeast and liver should not have different enzymes which catalyse the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. To be certain on this point, the enzymes would have to be extracted and their chemical composition determined.

Biology Experiments for Teachers - Enzymes: Catalase

D G Mackean is the author of GCSE Biology, IGCSE Biology, and many other Biology text books. He has a site of Biology Teaching Resources at which includes a bank of experiments for teachers, sample PowerPoint presentations, and many biological drawings

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Monday, June 11, 2012

Lobster Boats

Lobster boats are great options for fishing trips and other recreational needs. These boats are available in different shapes and sizes. The smallest boat can be about 14 feet long whereas the largest can be about 45 feet long. The smaller lobster boats are best suited for use in the summer months when the lobsters move to inshore waters. The larger lobster boats allow the lobsterman to venture farther from the shore all year-round.

Lobster boats can be made from materials such as wood or fiberglass. The present trend is they are mostly made of fiberglass. During the earlier days, wooden lobster boats were mostly in use. These wooden lobster boats required regular and proper maintenance since wood needs to be scraped and painting and varnishing was also needed every year. The fiberglass lobster boats which are maintenance free became more popular since 1960s. But, the bottoms of the fiberglass boats needed to be painted prior to the start of the season.


Most lobster boat models are equipped with a hydraulic hauler to haul the lobster traps. They are usually powered by an engine. Normally, a larger lobster boat will have a higher horsepower. For example, a 40-feet lobster boat will have a 600-horsepower engine whereas a 21-feet lobster boat will have a 250-horsepower engine.

Lobster Boats

Most modern lobster boats feature double-wedge hull, diesel engine, small forward cabin, decked cockpit aft, and electronic equipments such as depth sounder, radio, and radar. If the customers feel like spending a weekend with their partner or undertake serious coastal journeys, then lobster boats are also available. These boats come with modern amenities and facilities including accommodation spaces, bathroom, big leather lounges, entertainment systems, table settings, wet bars, and various other options.

Many companies offer their own version or custom boats at production prices. A fine number of companies also specialize in selling used lobster boats.

Lobster Boats

Lobster provides detailed information on Lobster, Lobster Tails, Lobster Recipes, Maine Lobster and more. Lobster is affiliated with Salmon Fishing [].

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Saturday, June 9, 2012

Adoption and Children Act 2002 and Its Impact on Adoption Tracing

On 30 December 2005, Section 98 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002 came into force in England and Wales, giving birth relatives of adopted persons the legal right to use intermediary services to locate and attempt contact with their adopted relatives. According to the Act, birth relatives include the birth parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, uncles, and aunts of adopted persons. Section 98 also gives adopted adults the legal right to use intermediary services to locate and attempt contact with their birth relatives.

Until the early 1970s, many unmarried mothers were forced by their families to place their children for adoption against their wishes. Section 98 gives these women and their relatives the opportunity to trace their adopted family members and find out what has happened to them since the adoptions took place. It also works the other way, enabling adopted adults to locate and learn about their birth families. In both cases, the tool for tracing relatives is intermediary services.


Intermediary services can be provided by registered adoption agencies and registered adoption support agencies. Such agencies investigate the identities and locations of sought-after family members and then approach the found individuals to determine if they would like to have contact with the relatives who initiated the searches.

Adoption and Children Act 2002 and Its Impact on Adoption Tracing

The first step an intermediary agency takes when it receives an application for intermediary service is to verify that both the birth relative and the adopted person are 18 years old or older. It then must obtain information about the adopted adult and the circumstances of the adoption from a variety of official sources, including the adoption agency that performed the adoption (or the agency that has the adoption records), the Registrar General, and the involved courts. Additionally, the agency must determine how the adopted adult, the adoptive parents, and any other interested parties feel about being approached by the intermediary agency (i.e., Are they interested in being found, or are they willing to establish contact with the birth relatives?).

Once it has collected all this information, the intermediary agency must record it with the appropriate adoption agency or the Registrar General's Adoption Contact Register. The Adoption Contact Register is a government resource that contains the contact information of adopted adults and birth relatives who would like to reconnect with one another. It also contains information about which specific birth relatives an adopted adult is willing to have contact with, if certain individuals are specified.

It is important to note that both an adopted adult and a birth relative must consent to being contacted for the exchange of information to occur. An intermediary agency will only release identifying information about an individual if that person has consented to such a release.

If an adopted adult does not want to be contacted by birth relatives, he or she can register a veto with the Adoption Contact Register. The adopted person also can register the veto with the appropriate adoption agency, which must keep the veto on record. This way, if an intermediary agency ever contacts the adoption agency about that adopted individual, the adoption agency can explain the conditions of the veto. A qualified veto allows an intermediary agency to approach the adopted person only on behalf of a specific birth relative or only under specific circumstances. An absolute veto, on the other hand, does not allow the intermediary agency to approach the adopted person under any circumstances. An adopted adult can modify or revoke his or her veto at any time.

Once an intermediary agency succeeds in matching a birth relative with an adopted adult, the agency acts as a liaison to exchange the information between the parties. From there, the reunited individuals can choose how they would like to proceed with their contact and possible reunion.

Individuals who were separated by adoption and later reunited through an intermediary agency may want to consider having a DNA test performed to confirm their biological relatedness. A variety of genetic tests--from maternity and paternity tests to siblingship studies and grandparentage tests--are available today to help people answer questions about their family relationships. After waiting so many years to find one another, adopted persons and their birth relatives may be able to find the peace of mind they've been looking for with the aid of intermediary services and DNA tests.

Adoption and Children Act 2002 and Its Impact on Adoption Tracing

Amanda Roberts writes about current events in the UK. For information about the DNA maternity test and paternity test services available to confirm your relation to a birth parent or adopted child, visit DNA Bioscience.

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Friday, June 8, 2012

The Valley of the Shadows: How to Make It Out Without Artificial Aids

Whenever we talk about diseases of the mind, there's always an unwelcome slant of philosophy to it. A fracture or a tumour is readily addressed by physicians and patients alike because it has a physical presence in space and time. Even pain is a measurable, physiological response. But when it comes to ailments like clinical depression, who are we to deny the solipsists' claim that it's all in our head? The symptoms match to a tee, family histories leave nothing to doubt, and life has ground to a halt. But many depressives digress, especially if they have grown up trying to rein it in.

One understandable cause of their denial - for want of a better word - is the distressing nature of their options. While behavioural therapy might help, it comes with no guarantee. Anti-depressants almost always produce some effects, albeit of questionable value. This painful dilemma is an inevitable consequence of modern medicine, which remains very much a hit-and-miss affair despite our scientists' valiant efforts.


Happily, the fog of war is gradually clearing away. We have now at our disposal at least a rudimentary understand of the chemistry tucked underneath our skull. Many modern anti-depressants are now designed to act upon specific receptors which mediate the electrochemical signals between our neural synapses, in an attempt to restore the delicate balance that was once negotiated by biological means. This truce, however, remains as fragile as the military variety, and so potentially catastrophic side-effects are only to be expected. There is scanty evidence for the oft-cited "suicide ideation", however, so in the severest episodes anti-depressants and anti-psychotics are still the only recourse.

The Valley of the Shadows: How to Make It Out Without Artificial Aids

However, recent studies have uncovered a new attack surface for mild to moderate depression symptoms. Phospholipids form a large portion of our nervous tissues, and while their chemical properties are well-studied, their interactions with other biological components are still a matter of further research. All we know is that their balance serves as a proxy trigger for depressive episodes: abnormal variations are indicative of an upset biological balance.

Undaunted, researchers followed up a lead on anecdotal reports that a chemical relative of phospholipids seem to provide some relief from depression. This compound. commonly known as DHA, is however an inconspicuous food supplement, better known for its cardiovascular benefits. To put it crudely, it's like trying to solve a crossword puzzle, only to find the clue in sudoku.

Never mind the serendipity. Multiple double-blind studies have all indicated promising results in terms of both self-reported and observed levels of depression. Significantly, it works even for the most severest of cases, when applied in conjunction with standard treatments: patients prescribed with a daily supplement of omega-3 cocktails, including both DHA and its complement acid EPA, experienced fewer suicidal tendencies over extended periods of time.

Of course, as the name attests, the dietary approach to depression remains primarily a supplemental and preventative one. If you experience has been debilitating to your daily routine or otherwise endanger yourself or others, psychiatric treatment is still the first port of call.

The Valley of the Shadows: How to Make It Out Without Artificial Aids

If you're interested in reading more about the health benefits of omega 3s and fish oil supplements, feel free to visit my website where I discuss the truth about omega 3 fish oil and what I personally use to stay healthy and in shape.

You can view my website now by clicking this link:

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Monday, June 4, 2012

How Do Plants Grow - The Biology of Plant Life

Plants are amazing, especially when you wonder how do plants grow. There are over 350,000 species of plants, above ground and underwater plants. Each one has to survive some harsh conditions to grow, and you can see the tenacity of plants to grow when you see them perched on the side of canyon walls, or pushing their way up through old pavement. Their will to survive and propagate is intense!

Plants include flowers, trees, shrubs, bushes, grass, moss, vines, herbs, seaweed, and green algae. These have much in common. They depend on Nature for survival, and the contents of other living and natural things. They need sunlight (except deep sea plants), water, air, bees and insects, soil, animals, and fire for life. Some pine trees only release their seeds after a big fire; they need the heat to open the cones and seeds.


Some underwater plants get their nutrients from water, surviving without sunlight. In hydroponic growing, plants are grown in just water instead of soil, and you can see the root growth. The water must have the nutrients needed, or the addition of plant food for the plant to thrive.

How Do Plants Grow - The Biology of Plant Life

To answer the question of how do plants grow, you must look at propagation. Some plants have both male and female parts, others do not, but they all depend on wind, air, animals, bees and insects to help with pollination and fertilization. Others will send out runners and tubers, or create corms, bulbs, suckers, and adventitious buds to propagate new plants through the soil to new locations. Humans help with splicing for cross breeding and new growth on old plants.

Plants that have seeds create little packages (seeds) that contain a food store and a baby plant embryo, similar to a fertilized egg, and there is a protective seed coat over the seed. When fertilized through pollination, the seed forms after a flower dies. The flower contains male and/or female parts that create an ovum ready for fertilization. This becomes the seed or fruit containing seeds.

The seed drops to the ground and begins to soften with moisture until the seed coat opens enough for germination to break through with a tap root, root hairs, and the plant top begins to grow towards light and warmth. This is the seedling plant. The roots grow down to find more moisture and the top of the plant grows up to find food and energy.

Plant food comes from the water and soil. Plants take in food and energy through photosynthesis from sunlight, and respiration through their leaves (osmosis). They take in carbon dioxide from the air in the daylight and release oxygen during the night. It is important for plants to obtain the right minerals from soil. Fortunately, Mother Nature works just perfectly in most cases and plants thrive.

When you look at all it takes for Nature to be in perfect balance and answer the question of how do plants grow, it is an amazing thought, and a miraculous process.

How Do Plants Grow - The Biology of Plant Life

Wendy Pan is an accomplished niche website developer and author.

To learn more about how do plants grow [], please visit Classy Gardens [] for current articles and discussions.

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Saturday, June 2, 2012

Lower Cholesterol Naturally - Alternatives to Statin Drugs

Huge topic. I can write a book on this but best not yet! Two more years of med school yet and by then I'll be even more versed in how to lower cholesterol naturally.

First: What is cholesterol?


According to Stedman's Medical Dictionary, cholesterol is "the most abundant steroid in animal tissues, especially in bile and gall stones, and present in food, especially rich in animal fats, circulates in plasma complexed to proteins of various densities and plays an important role in the pathogenesis of atheroma formation in arteries."

Lower Cholesterol Naturally - Alternatives to Statin Drugs

What is pathogenesis of atheroma? It is the beginning stage of atherosclerosis which is the building of lipid [cholesterol] plaques within the structure of arteries. These plaques narrow the vessel wall thereby limiting the flow of blood. Limiting the flow of blood causes turbulence which causes further deposition of plaque. The slowed speed of blood through the arteries helps lay down more plaque as well.

Ways to lower cholesterol naturally:

Exercise: damn. How many times do you have to hear it - everyone says it. Because it works better than any drug out there. Why does it work? Simple biochemistry and physiology. Exercise requires energy. Energy comes from sugars, fats and proteins. When the sugars and proteins are burned, fats must be converted into useable forms of energy. The liver steps up by making good cholesterol, HDL. HDL goes around and picks up bad cholesterol, LDL. It converts this into useable energy. So, by exercising, your energy requirements increase thereby lowering cholesterol naturally. Exercise 30 minutes a day as often as you can in a week. Try one day a week and build up. You'll become addicted to it. Better that than statins. Eat soluble fiber: Where can you find that? In beans and whole grains. Fruits and vegetables contain insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber actually binds to cholesterol removing it from your body. Insoluble fiber adds bulk to your stools making you more regular - which is extremely vital as well. Limit animal fat foods: damn again. Even Stedman's Medical Dictionary said cholesterol is the most abundant steroid in animal tissues. They didn't say plant tissues. I'm not saying avoid it completely. Just keep an eye on it - don't chomp down endless roast beef sandwhiches with mayo and four kinds of cheese. Inositol: This is time-released niacin in the no-flush form. Niacin is a main player in cellular metabolism. If one is low in niacin, then the energy reactions do not go forward. If they do not go forward, lipids accumulate which is directly tied to high levels of choleterol. A study on time-released niacin shows its effectiveness. The study I found used pharmaceutical time-released niacin but I believe these two are very similar - with the natural form being superior. The bottom line of the study: "The results show that niacin ER [extended release] produces a beneficial effect on lipoprotein subclasses, specifically decreasing the more atherogenic small, dense LDL particles and enhancing the cardioprotective large HDL particles." Remember what I said about bad LDL and good HDL? The inositol sounds pretty good now doesn't it? Red Yeast Rice: This is what the pharmaceutical companies make some statin drugs from - directly! So why not take it in its natural state? It works quite well. It works by limiting the cholesterol reaction from going forward. This means that cholesterol's production is slowed down thereby lowering cholesterol naturally. I have found a great research article on PubMed for Red Yeast Rice. The research was done by the Center for Human Nutrition and is not biased by a natural supplement company. Here is another study about the cholesterol-lowering effects of a proprietary Chinese red-yeast-rice dietary supplement. Policosanol: This is sugar wax. Sound safe? It is. It does not turn off the cholesterol forming reaction as strongly as statin drugs. Our bodies need some cholesterol formed. Without it, numerous hormones would not be made and we would be dead. Thus, it is better to moderately limit production rather than severely limit. Policosanol has also shown to increase the levels of HDL. Do statin drugs do this? No. There is a good study on Policosanol that I found on PubMed. You'll notice it is not a study made by a natural supplement company or with biased interests. The title of the study is: Comparison of the efficacy and tolerability of policosanol with atorvastatin in elderly patients with type II hypercholesterolaemia. Bio Lipotrol: Bio-Lipotrol has been shown to naturally lower cholesterol []. Bio Lipotrol has Red Yeast Rice, Inositol, Policosanol and Guggal Gum extract. I have visited with physician after physician that have used Bio Lipotrol and the results are seen within a few weeks. Now this doesn't mean you can sit on your couch eating hamburgers and pizza while popping Bio Lipotrol capsules. I have already stated that exercise is the best medicine - along with the limitation of animal fats and an increase in soluble fiber. I did not know about Bio Lipotrol until a classmate kept buying it. I found her in the hall one day and asked her what it is. She told me it is working very well on her grandmother's high cholesterol levels. Then I became more interested. The benefits of being in med school - you find what works and what doesn't.
What are the dangers of Statin drugs?

I don't know all of the dangers but I know one that is not often addressed. Statin drugs give the false impression that the one taking them does not have to be proactive in lowering cholesterol. If a drug is lowering cholesterol without them doing anything, why not chomp on fatty foods? I'll tell you why. Statin drugs limit the production of cholesterol. They do not limit the intake of cholesterol. You do.

Also - statin drugs seriously limit the production of Coenzyme Q10. This is a major energy source for the human heart and electron transport chain. So if you are on statin drugs, take CoQ10. I believe statin drugs also limit the conversion of active Vitamin D. This I need to check on but it makes sense if following the reactions down from HMG-CoA, which is the limiting step in cholesterol synthesis.

If you want to lower cholesterol naturally, these steps will no doubt help you. I recommend having a sit-down chat with your physician. Most docs will listen to you and be supportive and knowledgable about this arena. If not, find a licensed and qualified naturopathic physician who will listen to you.

This information is not telling you to stop taking your statin drugs. It is merely information. Do not stop your statin drugs without consulting with your physician. Only then, under their direction, stop the meds if you implement other means.

If you are not on statin drugs and you don't have money to see a doctor, these steps may help you lower cholestrol naturally. But as I am not a doctor yet, I am not prescribing any of this information to you. It is up to you.

I hope you are still awake. That is a ton of information. I know I'm wiped. I've got to get away from this computer now.

Lower Cholesterol Naturally - Alternatives to Statin Drugs

Take care and stay healthy. And again - if you have any health questions, do ask me. I am here to help.

In health,


(c) 2005 Benjamin Lynch of HealthE Goods

Benjamin Lynch has a BS degree in Cell and Molecular Biology from the University of Washington. Currently, he is obtaining his doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine at Bastyr University. You may find BioLipotrol Cholesterol Supplement [] at Bens online health site, HealthE Goods. We provide physician-grade non-prescription natural health products and natural health articles.

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