Tuesday, January 29, 2013

What Do Snakes Eat

There is no limit to the food items that you can even think of a snake might eat. Different species have different preys that they prefer to have. There are common preys that most of them like to have. According to season they might change their prey. Whatever is available in abundance would become the prey for the snakes. Depending on their growth their diet also varies. A simple search on the Internet for the phrase what do snakes eat would reveal a lot of interesting things to you. Some of the snakes prefer to have a particular prey alone. Even if there is irregular supply of prey in a particular place they could survive that condition since they are cold blooded.

Some of the snakes like the tentacles snake eat aquatic plants apart from eating fish. Do not think that a snake might catch any prey that passes it. They would evaluate the prey they are planning to catch. If the prey is too small for it to be the meal then it might not even consider hunting. Some of the prey might be bigger for them to swallow. So they might even pass it without attacking it. Rodents serve as the important prey for most of the snakes. Note that it is a mammal. Snakes use their venom and constriction to kill the mammals and this method is well suited to kill the mammals before they eat. That could be one of the reasons for them to eat mammals mostly.

The other food that they prefer to have is other snakes. It is easy to swallow other snakes since they easily fit their long body. For example the King Snake will eat snakes like rattlesnake by constricting them before eating. They also have other prey other than snakes. It is a wonder that some of the snakes that eat other snakes are harmless. One of the other snakes that also prey on snakes is the King Cobra.

What Do Snakes Eat

There are snakes that are considered snail specialists. They eat snails tactically without eating the shell. Snakes like the Brown snake, the thirst snake, and the Southeast Asian Snail eating snakes use different methods to extract the snail from the shell so that they can eat more snails without eating the shells.

On searching the web for some more content on what do snakes eat you might wonder when you come across other weird things that snakes eat. Centipedes, Ants, termites, Crabs, Toads, crayfish, spiders, carrion, grasshoppers, and skinks are some of the weird items that the snakes eat. Some of the snakes are good in eating the eggs of fish, reptiles, and frogs. Snakes also drink water from the pools, ponds, and the dewdrops using their split tongue.

What Do Snakes Eat
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Friday, January 25, 2013

When Does My Penis Stop Growing? Proven Tips to Grow Your Penis at Any Age

One of the the most outrageous myths that I see men fall for is the misconception that our penis stops growing at a certain age, and beyond that....there is NOTHING you can do to improve it. To me, and the tens of thousands of other men who have improved their size WELL beyond their teen years, the idea that there is a chronological age associated with your anatomical potential is flat out WRONG!

Now that doesn't mean, of course, that there are not "prime" years that your body develops faster. Everyone who understands basic biology and physical developmental stages recognizes that for men, the ages of 12 through 18 are certainly the largest, in terms of physical changes! But what about when you pass puberty, graduate college and are in the "real" world? Is penis growth out of the question? Absolutely NOT. Read on as we discuss some ways to get sensational results at ANY age.

So what is the best way to grow your penis in adulthood?

When Does My Penis Stop Growing? Proven Tips to Grow Your Penis at Any Age

It's quite simple actually! Natural Exercises. And lots of them! The key is, in my opinion, just like any OTHER anatomical area you are trying to improve. You need diversity and variety, and a basic understanding of HOW your anatomy grows.

Let me give you an example

Jelqing is a great technique for drawing blood into the corposa carvernosa as well as the glans. But in MY experience, you need MORE than just the jelq to get sensational size. You need to add in circumference regimens (for girth) as well as traction exercises for tissue "toughness". I ALWAYS recommend PC contractions to my readers, as I believe it's the FASTEST way to augment the other exercises in record setting turn around time.

As I always say - you need to incorporate tension and torque - with a VARIETY of technique to truly get the gains you are hoping for. And these are available at ANY age, and really, in my view, shouldn't be started until you are done your normal growth cycle anyway!

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As with everything else in the Men's health domain, knowledge is POWER and information is EVERYTHING!

And remember, with our modern day understanding of anatomy, and the variety of holistic, alternative, natural approaches to OPTIMIZING our bodies in all sorts of ways...it is now common practice for men everywhere, who know how - to systematically improve, build and increase our penis size and do it quickly.

The need for creams, hanging weights and other esoteric methods are not only strange and potentially dangerous - they are also finally completely obsolete and unnecessary.

So while they may be laughing at you behind your back...trust me, they won't be for long! Take a little bit of time and learn how your anatomy works, and how simple exercises and optimizations you can make, everyday can yield a RADICAL shift in your penis size without the worry. I did...and it was the best decision I ever made!

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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Nasal Irrigation Using a Neti Pot: For the Common Cold and Congestion

Nasal Irrigation is becoming recognized once again as an effective way to eliminate sinus congestion, battle the common cold and relieve allergies.

Why has it come back so strong?

People are tired of drugs and want a natural alternative treatment for allergies, the common cold and sinus congestion. Nasal irrigation using the ayurvedic neti pot is the way to go - cheap, fast and extremely effective.

Nasal Irrigation Using a Neti Pot: For the Common Cold and Congestion

Popping an anti-histamine or snorting one does not remove the problem. All it does is temporarily slow down mucous production. Then, once again, one finds themselves with drugs up their nose or down their throat.

How does nasal irrigation remove the problem? It doesn't entirely. That is a whole other topic which requires balancing the immune system, reducing stress, maintaining proper hydration and proper nutrition. To tickle your fancy though, freeze-dried nettle works really well as does quercetin.

But until one achieves this treatment, allergies persist and so does sinus congestion - especially now due to colds and flu bugs flying about. There must be relief immediately - and that is what the neti pot provides.

Basically, what the neti pot does is gently wash away excess mucous, bacteria, pollen, allergens and viruses from the sinuses. There is one main sinus that the neti pot can reach - the maxillary sinus which is on either side of your nose - basically inside the 'cheek bone'. When they fill with pus or mucous, it hurts. Not only does it hurt, but it provides a further haven for more bacteria and viruses as the immune system cannot enter. The door is closed.

Nasal irrigation opens that door by washing out the pus and mucous. Then, the immune system's IgA antibodies, which live on the mucous membranes of your nose, once again get back to work.

Can anti-histamines, aspirin, or tylenol do that? A resounding no.

Don't treat the symptom. Treat the cause of the symptom. It is sooo easy to do and it is so rarely done.

One must think, "Why do I have sinus congestion and pain on either side of my nose?" Mucous buildup. Ok. Why? I'm sick due to the common cold. Good. Why? I've been working my butt off at work. Understandable. What are you going to do about it? Take vitamin C. (studies show that it really does work when sick) That's a start.

What are you going to do about the pain and sinus congestion in your nose?

Going to do nasal irrigation with my neti pot. Good! Now we're talking!

Do you want to know how to use the neti pot correctly? Silly question, I know. Of course you do!

Basically, I recommend using filtered water as chlorine is drying and an irritant to the mucous membranes as it damages proteins. You may be thinking that this is good as you want to dry the mucous membranes out and chlorine can help kill the bacteria. No - not really. It takes quite some time for chlorine to kill bacteria for one. The other is you do want your sinuses to have their natural mucous secretions as it is they which carry the IgA antibodies. The IgA antibodies are what signal the immune system to kill the bacteria and viruses in your nose.

A little medical sidenote: 1 in 700 people are IgA deficient. This is not handy for obvious reasons. A neti pot is extremely important for these people. If you get sinus infections, colds and other sinus bugs frequently, you may want to get a test done seeing if you are one of the lucky winners of an IgA deficiency. It's a simple swab-up-the-nose test.

To use the neti pot correctly:

Fill the neti pot preferably with warm filtered or purchased water. Not cold or hot water. Must be warm. Add 1/4 teaspoon of pure salt. Do not use mineral salts or sea salts. Some people are allergic to shellfish and this will not help the situation. One can buy pure neti salt and it's not expensive. Normal table salt is fine also but it is processed like crazy - they use about 15+ chemicals to end up with pure white table salt. You didn't want to know that did you? You can add a pinch of baking soda also. This softens the water a bit so it's easier on your mucous membranes. I use a tincture called Neti Wash Plus and that comes with zinc or zinc free. Basically this is a mixture of anti-bacterials, anti-fungals, and immune support nutrients and herbs which are proven effective in research. It is pre-made and just simply add a dropperful or two in the neti pot. Only use this during mucous buildup and sinus congestion. Don't use everyday as it is designed to break up sticky mucous. If one doesn't have sticky mucous, then it will hurt your healthy thin mucous - which you now know, you need. I recommend doing this procedure in the shower. This way you cannot make a mess. You can also do it over a sink or sitting down with a big bowl on the table in front of you. Insert the neti pot spout into one side of your nose. Lean your head slightly to one side and forward a bit. This allows the medicated water to flow from one side of your nose to the other. This action pushes out the mucous and also drops off the medicated water in your sinuses. Stay in this head bent and tilted position while the water runs out - say for about 15 seconds. When 15 seconds is up, remove the spout and gently blow your nose. Do not block one nostril while blowing your nose as this forces the mucous up closer to your brain. Also do not blow forcibly as this will push the mucous into your ear canal. Just blow lightly - like a soft outward snort. Repeat on the other side. Do this about 2-3 times each side. Refill the neti pot as needed. I typically can do it sufficiently with one full neti pot. This takes about 3 minutes. Sounds like a lot of work but it's fast - especially as you do it more and more. Rinse out the neti pot or place it in the dishwasher to sterilize. I recommend buying one for each person of the family. This way you don't have to wash it so hard every time.

You may feel one of two things: all cleared up and easier to breathe - or - stuffed up more than before. If stuffed up, don't fret or blow your nose hard. Just wait. The Neti wash plus tincture mix is working on breaking up the mucous and within a few minutes, you'll be searching for tissues as the mucous begins to literally flow out of your nose. It's pretty awesome how fast it works. Remember - do not blow hard and do not occlude one nostril. If you do blow hard or occlude one nostril, you have made your sinus congestion return - or worse, moved it into your ear.

Don't blow hard. You don't need to. The neti wash plus and nasal irrigation does all the work for you. You just provide the tissues and the trashcan.

Try to stay rested, relaxed and healthy. Not easy to do - but when you get a cold or sinus congestion - you now know what to do!

If you have any questions about nasal irrigation, you may email me. I'd be glad to help you out.

Some basic cautions with nasal irrigation. If you have routine bloody noses, don't do it. If you get a bloody nose, adjust the salt/baking soda/tincture ratio. If you still get bloody noses, stop as your mucous membranes may be too dried out. I don't recommend using the neti wash plus with zinc if your nose is sensitive. They make a neti wash plus zinc free which is also effective. Zinc is added as it stimulates the immune system. Also, don't use the neti wash plus unless you have sinus congestion or mucous buildup in your sinuses. A simple nasal irrigation with salt and baking soda is all you need if you have slight buildup - say from last night's sleep.

Which neti pot to choose? I prefer the stainless steel neti pot as I broke my ceramic neti pot in the shower when it dropped. The plastic neti pot is also handy as you can toss it into your baggage when you travel.

NPR did a special news report on the use of neti pots and nasal irrigation. Neti pots are making a strong comeback as a main treatment for sinus congestion and allergies.

The NPR quick summary: Morning Edition, October 12, 2005. An age-old technique that may have developed from yoga traditions is turning out to be a simple and effective way to combat the cold. Flushing the nasal passageway with warm salt-water can help prevent colds and bring relief to allergy-sufferers. by Patricia Neighmond

You may listen to the program in full on this page.

Good ol' NPR - they never cease to amaze me.

Enjoy the broadcast!

In health, Ben

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Benjamin Lynch has a BS degree in Cell and Molecular Biology from the University of Washington. Currently, he is obtaining his doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine at Bastyr University. Visit Ben's natural health product store, HealthE Goods where one can use our free health information service where one may ask specific health questions. We provide physician-grade non-prescription natural health products. Wholesale spa products are available to all that qualify. Do visit our Healthy Lifestyle and Wellness Blog. We are here to help serve the public with proper health information and effective products. Products described in the article are available at HealthE Goods.

Copyright 2005 by Benjamin Lynch of HealthE Goods. This work may not be modified or used without the author's permission.

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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Biology Experiments for Teachers. Measuring The Transpiration Rate of an Uprooted Plant

Outline. The mass lost by an uprooted plant in a flask of water is compared with the mass lost from an identical flask with no plant.

Prior knowledge. Evaporation takes place from an exposed water surface

Advance preparation and materials

Biology Experiments for Teachers. Measuring The Transpiration Rate of an Uprooted Plant

Flask or bottle. Any pair of small, narrow-necked vessels will do, e.g. 100 cm3 conical flasks,
small fruit-juice bottle, small 'medicine' bottles. Allow one matched pair per group.

Plants. Any small plants which can easily be dug up. Wash the soil off the roots and store the plants in a container of water from which the student can collect them. One plant per group.

Balance. One or two per class.


(a) Label each bottle or flask with your initials.

(b) Fill each vessel with water to within 1 cm of the rim.

(c) Place the uprooted plant in one of the vessels.

(d) Weigh the vessel with the plant and record its mass. Weigh the other vessel
(with no plant) and record its mass.

(e) Leave both vessels in a (potentially) sunny position in the laboratory.

(f) After one day, weigh both vessels again and record their masses.

(g) If there has been little change of mass in the vessel with the plant, the experiment can be
continued for several more days.

(h) At the end of the experiment, work out the mass lost by each vessel. Subtract the mass lost by the vessel with water only, from the mass lost by the vessel with the plant. This will give the loss in mass resulting from the plant's transpiration.

(i) Calculate the rate of transpiration in grams per day.


1 The vessel with the plant will be losing water (a) from the shoot and (b) directly from the exposed water surface. The vessel lacking a plant enables us to calculate the amount of mass loss resulting from (b).

2 The mass loss in the vessel with the plant is made up of these two components. By deducting the mass loss resulting from direct evaporation, we are left with the mass loss caused by transpiration from the plant.

3 (a) The plant will interfere with the direct evaporation from the vessel, depending on the shape and size of the stem and the position of the lower leaves.

(b) In the vessel with the plant, the water level may drop below the neck, exposing a greater surface area of water for evaporation.

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D G Mackean is the author of GCSE Biology, IGCSE Biology, and many other Biology text books. He has a site of Biology Teaching Resources at http://www.biology-resources.com which includes a bank of experiments for teachers, sample PowerPoint presentations, and many biological drawings

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Monday, January 14, 2013

Biology Experiments for Teachers. Human Senses: Sensitivity to Temperature

Outline. One finger of each hand is acclimatized to hot or cold water and then dipped into lukewarm water.

Prior knowledge. The general idea of receptors sending impulses to the brain

Advance preparation and materials
A supply of hot and cold water

Biology Experiments for Teachers. Human Senses: Sensitivity to Temperature

Apparatus - per group
3 jars or beakers large enough to accommodate a finger


(a) Collect three jars or beakers of about the same size. Fill one with cold water (10-15 °C), one with hot water (40-50 °C) and the third with warm water (about 25 °C).

(b) Place the first finger of the left hand in the cold water and the first finger of the right hand in the hot water. Leave both fingers immersed for at least one minute.

(c) After one minute, remove both fingers from the jars and dip them repeatedly but alternately in the warm water for about a second at a time Notice the temperature sensation in each finger.


1 What impression did (i) the left finger, (ii) the right finger give about the temperature of the
warm water?

2 Why should there be any difference in the sensory information from the two fingers? How could you modify the experiment to test your suggestion?

3 Does the result mean that the skin of your fingers is incapable of judging whether an object is hot or cold?

4 What does the result suggest about the way in which the skin responds to temperature

Discussion - answers

1 The finger which has been immersed in cold water will register warmth. The finger previously held in hot water will register coldness.

2 The difference in sensations can be attributed to the difference in the temperature of the fingers after one minute's immersion. This can be tested by repeating the experiment with the left-hand finger in the hot water and the right-hand finger in the cold water. The sensation on dipping them both into warm water should be the reverse of the first experiment.

An alternative explanation is that the warmth receptors in the hot water become adapted, i.e. after prolonged immersion they no longer send impulses to the brain. Consequently, on transfer to lukewarm water, there are few impulses sent to the brain from the warmth receptors of this finger, whereas the warmth receptors in the cold finger fire normally.

3 The results suggest that the fingers detect whether they are gaining or losing heat rather than the actual temperature of an object. Metal objects at room temperature will feel cold to the touch because heat is conducted away from the fingers, while wooden objects at the same temperature feel less cold.

4 The results seem to imply that the thermoreceptors respond to change in temperature rather than to any particular temperature. In fact, there is a steady discharge of nerve impulses from cold and warmth receptors at all temperatures within certain limits but increased bursts of impulses occur during sudden changes of temperature.

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D G Mackean is the author of GCSE Biology, IGCSE Biology, and many other Biology text books. He has a site of Biology Teaching Resources at http://www.biology-resources.com which includes a bank of experiments for teachers, sample PowerPoint presentations, and many biological drawings

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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

High School Science Fair Projects - Topic Ideas For Winning Experiments

High school science fair projects can be on any number of topics, depending upon the science course being taken. In the high school years students are allowed to take more advanced biology, chemistry, Earth Science and in some cases, rudimentary physics and astronomy courses. With this diversity, projects can be designed that even are cross disciplinary, like combining physics and astronomy to design a project that could answer problems faced by space travelers, for example. A few ideas for high school level science projects follow:

o Experts are saying that global warming could be the cause of the disappearance of many of the world's fields of glaciers in the next 50 years. What evidence is there that these changes are already occurring? Why is there a debate among scientists that global warming may or not be occurring? Do you think this debate may be financially or politically motivated? What effects will global warming have on the planet if it is happening? How do scientists that do not believe in global warming explain the discrepancies? Show both sides of the argument so that the average American can be better educated on how it affects everyone's daily life, especially if something isn't done soon.

o High school science fair projects involving "going green" are highly popular. Biodiesal fuels seem to be the next answer when it comes to finding a solution to the current oil crisis. What constitutes a "biofuel"? How is it manufactured and from what? Are these sources considered renewable? If so, why? How does the use of a biofuel affect CO2 emissions? Are biofuels as efficient as the fossil-fuels now being used? What adaptations are needed for a vehicle to utilize a biofuel?

High School Science Fair Projects - Topic Ideas For Winning Experiments

o President Obama signed legislation in June of 2009 that will be providing incentives through the Department of Energy to businesses and individual homeowners that install small solar or wind-powered generators. He is hoping that these smaller generators will hook into the local utility grids to provide more wattage that can be purchased by other users. What exactly constitutes a solar generator? What constitutes a wind generator? How will these benefit the local power utility? Are there regions of the country that would be better suited to one type of generation system over the other? How would the individual installing the small system determine this? Is the savings to energy consumers projected between the years 2012 and 2042 realistic? Why or why not?

o There is a huge debate raging over the use of genetically modified foods. What constitutes an engineered food? What are some of the dangers that some scientists believe that genetically altered foods could pose? Why do some farmers fear the planting of genetically altered crops near those that are not? Do you feel this concern is justified or not? If so, what can be done about it? Provide a sheet that can be presented to the average citizen to educate them on the subject, and who to contact to voice objections to.

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For more high school science fair projects and step-by-step instructions, visit http://www.easy-kids-science-experiments.com. Be sure to check out the site for tons of simple science projects elementary science experiments, middle school, and high school science.

© Copyright 2009. Feel free to reprint this article on your site as long as the article is not modified in any way and the resource information (about the author) is listed as above.

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