Friday, July 27, 2012

10 Ways to Conserve Soil - Preventing Soil Erosion

With pollution, threat of global warming and the newfound green kick, people are looking into ways of keeping our planet sound. One good way to do this is soil conservation.

Soil conservation is the prevention of soil eroding from the earth's surface, or otherwise becoming altered by overuse, acidification or contamination.


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So how do we begin? Well, here are 10 ways to conserve soil:

10 Ways to Conserve Soil - Preventing Soil Erosion

1. Gardening. Grow plants that are indigenous to your area. It can be interesting to make something grow outside of its usual domain, but the local flora have been there for a very long time and aid in conservation. Another thing to do is to plant trees and shrubs. These can provide shelter for your soil, while the roots will help to prevent excess water from washing it away.

2. Keep your soil moist, but do not drown it. This can be especially difficult during dry months. But over-watering can not only wash away soil, but cause it to degrade. Should your soil dry up, though, it should be easy to fix by lightly covering with damp piles of mulch.

3. Of all the 10 ways to conserve soil, this may be one of the more enjoyable. It may be tricky at times, but keeping enough vegetation strong, healthy and growing will bind the soil together and protect its surface.

4.Find a suitable tillage method for your location, amount of rainfall and variety of plant life. Tillage will optimize the biological and physical condition of soil. Make sure that you use a method that does not make the soil overly fine.

5. Physical structures made of earth, stone or other organic materials can aid in protecting soil against uncontrolled runoff and erosion. With a little bit of design, it can also retain and direct water to where it is needed most. The best structure will depend on climate and the need to either discharge or retain runoff; the size of your garden or farm; and the texture and depth of your soil.

6. Another good piece of construction is a wind barrier. Built at the boundaries of a farm, this will help stop the wind from blowing soil away.

7. Plant patches of high grass. Allowing your grass to grow to at least three inches will promote retention of water in the soil. This is especially useful for runoff of your physical structures.

8. Create an organic mulch for your plants. This will maintain soil temperature and minimize erosion.

9. Plant vegetation that will assist in the protection of your soil, like rye or clover. They will protect by thickly covering the ground and they will restrict weed growth and reduce runoff.

10. The best time of day to water your plants is early in the morning, when evaporation is low. Watering in harsh sunlight can dry out your soil. In the late evening, watering can cause the growth of fungus.

By trying out these 10 ways to conserve soil, not only can you plant a beautiful garden, but you can also help protect the planet.

10 Ways to Conserve Soil - Preventing Soil Erosion

Wendy Pan is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about 10 ways to conserve soil [], please visit My Gardening Blog [] for current articles and discussions.

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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Impact of the French Revolution on 18th Century Europe and Relevance to Contemporary Christianity


Events of 1789 formed the catalyst that exploded the powder keg of accumulated grievances in France. Indeed "the French Revolution began when Louis XVI called the States-General to provide money for his bankrupt government" (The World Book Encyclopedia, Vol.7, 1991, p.450). The outbreak of the French Revolution in 1789 produced intense hostility to Christianity because "the Roman church was identified by the people with the earlier government of France and suffered greatly" (Harman and Renwick, 1999, p.170). Lefebvre (1947) observed that in a total population of probably twenty three million, there were certainly not more than one hundred thousand priests, monks and nuns, and four hundred thousand nobles. The rest constituted the Third Estate. This secular event shows the contemporary Church the peril that awaits a nation that rejects God. The point of the observation is that although the French Revolution negatively affected Christianity, the attempt at deChristianization was unable to blot the 'faith of our fathers living still'.



Impact of the French Revolution on 18th Century Europe and Relevance to Contemporary Christianity

According to Noll (2000), "a number of long-festering conditions had prepared the way for this attack on Christianity" (p.247). Paradoxically, some of these were of Christian origin. Centuries earlier, Augustine had declared that man should not have dominion over man, for he is a rational creature made in the image of God. Bellarmine, the Jesuit Cardinal opined that it depended on the consent of the people whether kings, consuls or other magistrates were to be established in authority over them. He further observed that the people should change a kingdom into an aristocracy if there was legitimate cause. Latourette (1953) therefore referred to the French Revolution as "a secularized version of the heavenly city as perceived by Christians" (p.1007).
Before the outbreak of the revolution in France, bad economic, political, social and legal conditions, the successful example of the English Revolution of 1689 and the American Revolution of 1776 were fused by the development of an ideology that rationalized the right of popular revolution against Louis XVI. This ideology was the result of the teachings of the philosophes. While Rousseau and Montesquieu provided the political atmosphere for revolution, Voltaire criticized the church. Cairns (1981) admitted that there were grounds for criticism of the Roman Catholic Church in France. It owned much land and was as responsible as the secular state in the dealings with the people. The public resented various tithes imposed by the church, rigorous repression of religious dissenters, and the non-productive monkish orders. Nichols (1932) suspected that "the greatest cause of the hostility of the church was its enormous wealth and the selfish use made of it" (p.96) since the masses were ruined by cruel taxation at the expense of higher clergy who were generally lazy, luxurious and immoral.

If the 17th century was the age of orthodoxy, the eighteenth was the age of nationalism, a result of cold orthodoxy and scientific developments. The deadly result was that "revelation tended to take the back seat to reason and knowledge gained by sense perception" (Vos, 1960, p.99). When scientists investigated the form of the universe, they formed the idea of a clockwise universe - God's world was seen as gigantic, well-ordained giant clock.


The French Revolution is viewed as a turning point because it was seen as an important stage in a succession of movements that later spread across the globe to ultimately affect the life of mankind.

It is observed that the effects were especially serious for Christianity since they brought actions which struck at the privileges and status of the Roman Catholic Church. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen on August 26 1789 held that "the source of all sovereignty is located in the nation; no body, no individual can exercise authority which does not emanate from it expressly" (Noll, 2000, p.247). The peasants were relieved of a burden which had taken about a twentieth of their produce when tithes were abolished. Consequently, the church was deprived of one of its chief sources of revenue. Church land, which comprised about a fifth of the area of France was confiscated and became the property of the state. In July 1790, the Civil Constitution of the Clergy was enacted by the National Assembly. Among other things, bishops were to be elected by the voters who chose the civil officials and the pope was merely to be notified of their choice. Payment of the clergy by the state was no blessing in disguise since the former was to take an oath of allegiance to the latter. [It must be observed that Spener criticized caesaropapism (doctrine of state control over the church) in his significant publication way back in 1675]. The pope's power was reduced to that of stating the dogma of the Roman Catholic Church. Indeed "churchmen felt this new act meant secularization of the church and they were violently opposed to it" (Cairns, 1981, p.390).

Unlike the situation in the United States, separation of church and state by the French Revolution and later in the Soviet Union and its sphere of influence was an attempt to totally exterminate the church and to replace it with nationalism. The Roman Catholic Church and the French state were completely separated during the reign of terror of 1793 and 1794 when so many were executed for counter revolutionary activities.

The programme of deChristianization gained momentum when the convention decreed that a commune had the right to renounce the Catholic form of worship. The calendar adopted on October 3 1793 made every tenth day rather than Sunday a day of rest. On November 7, 1793, the Archbishop of Paris appeared before the Convention and "solemnly resigned his Episcopal functions" (Encyclopaedia Britiannica, vol.15, 1989, p.498). A certain Mademoiselle Maillard, an opera dancer, wearing the three colours of the new republic on November 10, 1793 was enthroned as the goddess of Reason upon the high altar of Notre Dame, the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Paris, and there she received the homage of the revolutionists. Notre Dame was rechristened the Temple of Reason. Another step adopted by the Convention was the ordering of churches and parsonages to be used as school houses and poor houses thus effectively preventing public and official worship. The Feasts of Reason both at Paris and elsewhere soon "degenerated into mere orgies, disreputable women playing the part of goddesses and enacting bacchanals in the churches" (Martin, 1877, p.552). The precarious situation during the Reign of Terror forced many Christians to renounce their trust in God. Assessing the situation, Kuiper (1964) pointed out that "it is not possible to say how many Protestants as well as Catholics renounced their faith at this time, but the number was large" (p.310). Although the Convention passed a decree reaffirming the principle of the freedom of worship, the Directory and its regime were basically anti-Christian. The interests of Christianity and European civilization were no longer regarded as two expressions of the same reality. In other words, there was a signal of the demise of Christendom.

Kings initially viewed themselves as God's representatives on earth and considered all disobedience and rebellion to be sinful. A dangerous feeling of infallibility, considerable serenity and moderation therefore gained control of monarchs. The French Revolution completely repudiated this divine right of kings and "asserted the doctrine that the right to rule came from the people" (The World Book Encyclopedia, vol.5, 1971, p.199). Although Napoleon eventually recognized the Roman Catholic religion as the religion of the great majority of French citizens, he did not make it the established religion. The clergy were to be paid by the state but the property taken from the Roman Church in 1790 was not to be returned to it. In fact, Latourette (1953) observed with brutal truth that Napoleon "regarded the church as an institution which must be recognized and used for his purposes" (p.1011).

The French Revolution and Napoleon brought grave embarrassment to missions. The direct result was a sharp decline of the faith in some geographic frontiers. Few missionaries were sent from Europe and it was difficult to render aid to those already in the field. The Society of Foreign Missions of Paris was compelled to seek headquarters outside of France. The Congregation of the Propagation of the Faith, the bureau through which the Papacy supervised missions abroad, was driven out of Rome. This led to a marked falling off in numbers and morale of the Roman Catholic community in India. Adverse domestic conditions coupled with the handicaps in Europe threatened the extinction of the church in China. The occupation of Spain by Napoleonic armies and the attack on Portugal greatly affected missions in Latin America. Conditions in Russia were also adverse. Parishes lost the right of electing their clergy, a privilege enjoyed since the era of Peter the Great. In a brilliant summary, Noll (2000) commented that "turmoil from the French Revolution and then the wave of national liberation movements fostered by Napoleon further diminished European concern for cross-cultural Christian expansion" (p.274). The revolution greatly affected Lutherans in the German states. War and suffering revealed that skepticism and infidelity were not sufficient to meet the needs of the human spirit and multitudes turned again to religious faith. The old Holy Roman Empire was dissolved in 1806, stimulating the strengthening of independent states like Austria and Prussia. Later in the century, this contributed to the unification of the German people under the leadership of Prussia. Calvinism in Europe also felt the shock of the French Revolution. Skepticism had already weakened this group in France, Switzerland, the German states and the Low Countries. According to Baker (1959), the "political conditions that continued through the Congress of Vienna in 1815 brought disorganization and uncertainty to continental Calvinism" (p.321).

Beyond the dark clouds were shades of silver lining, which several scholars tend to overlook. Perhaps a positive view was that "society was being directed toward the good of the whole community instead of toward the benefit of a tiny elite of kings, nobles and bishops" (Noll, 2000, p.248). Grievous as were the losses suffered by Christianity, "there was ample evidence that the faith was by no means moribund" (Latourette, 1953, p.1012). Indications of vitality (old and new) were evident. These could be found among the Roman Catholics of the eastern churches and in Protestantism. If anything, "secularization of the west was not going to blot out the faith" (Noll, 2000, p.260). Liberal, sectarian and traditionalist responses to the marginalization of European Christendom all had notable vigor though at varying degrees. European thought was skillfully sifted in a new world in order to preserve an intellectually vigorous Christian faith. Groups like the Oxford Movement applied lessons of the early church of the perils of the present. In his stimulating Church History lectures at West Africa Theological Seminary, Lagos, Nigeria, Dr. William Faupel observed that secularization is not inherently evil and argued that there must be a positive interaction, that is, taking the gospel in the mindset of the people.


Many biblical scholars agreed that the punctuation of papal power in France was a fulfillment of prophecies of Daniel 7 and Revelation 13, which they believed predicted the demise of Roman Catholicism. In this light, Faupel (1996) observed that "the French Revolution became the Rosetta Stone by which all scriptural prophecy could be correlated with the events of human history" (p.92). The lessons for contemporary Christianity are significant.

Righteousness exalts a nation but sin is indeed a reproach to any people. Even today, the Wesleys are credited with saving England from a bloody, political revolution such as befell France. While the common people were as oppressed and deprived as the French, the English people could cope with their oppression because of their faith in God and their adherence to Christian principles. The English revival caused the people to look to God for hope whereas the French had only politicians and atheistic philosophers. The lesson is that God can avert destruction in a nation that acknowledges Him as Saviour. The situation in Sierra Leone in May 2000 is a case in point. God miraculously saved the nation at a time when destruction loomed large. The nation responded to the call to shout 'Jesus' at 5:00 p.m. on Monday May 9 2000. God honoured this demonstration of faith and reliance on Him as the only hope. The peaceful elections in May 2002 and August/September 2007 could also be attributed to the redeeming work of God in a land where He is exalted. In like manner, Horton (1993) firmly believed that "God brought about a peaceful change in the protestant land of England, in contrast to the turmoil of the Roman Catholic France" (p.72).

Secondly, the church in any nation should not fraternize with the state to oppress masses since the latter could rebel with frenzied violence. In France, the revolutionists demonstrated that "they could break down barriers if they were driven to desperation" (Rowe, 1931, p.420). Furthermore, ideas that glorify man and sentence God to temporary or permanent exile could be dangerous to any nation. The French Revolution shocked Europe and awakened people to the power of ideas and forces that had become part of western culture. For many, "those ideas and forces connoted the disruptions and destruction that could be expected from unrestrained rationalism" (Manschreck, 1974, 298).

From the study, the researcher realizes that pagan religions and ideas could penetrate areas once dominated by Christianity as a result of the state of the church. During his lectures, Dr. Faupel lamented that an impending doom could await the church in North America because of inherent weakness including racist Christian policies. As Rodney observed (1972), "racism...[was] a set of generalizations and assumptions, which had no scientific bias, but...rationalized in every sphere from theology to biology" (p.99). Contemporary Christianity should realize that it should not be the cold impotent ash (like the church in France before the revolution) but a vibrant church fulfilling the Great Commission. Sumrall (1980) caustically dismissed refusal to spread the gospel as "reckless spiritual homicide" (p.8). The contemporary church must be willing to sacrifice like Christ and the saints of old if the earth should be filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the sea. Houghton (1980) hoped that the contemporary church would be mindful of the fact that "when the church goes astray, denying Him who had bought His people with His precious blood, the Lord [sends] trials and afflictions to correct His unfaithful children" (p.34).


The above notwithstanding, the blood of a martyr is seed for the church. After the French Revolution, Christianity, probably to the dismay of the revolutionaries, did not die. Truth (Jesus) was in the grave for three days but eventually resurrected. Persecution, in the history of Christianity, could be regarded as a stepping stone rather than a stumbling block. Fire did not beget cold and impotent ash. After the French Revolution, the church became much more involved in speaking on relevant issues of the day. Christianity was viewed from a different perspective. Evangelism was given a thoughtful consideration. In spite of all the negative effects of the French Revolution, the brand of Christianity that emerged transformed itself by positively interacting with the philosophical mindset of the day.


Baker, Robert A. 1959. A survey of Christian history. Nashville: Broadman Press.

Cairns, Earle E. 1981. Christianity through the centuries: a history of the Christian Church. 2nd ed.

Grand Rapids, Michigan: The Zondervan Corporation.

The Encyclopaedia Britannica. 1989 ed., s.v. "French Revolution".

Faupel, William. 1996. The everlasting gospel: the significance of eschatology in the development of Pentecostal thought. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press.

Harman, A.M. and A.M. Renwick. 1999. The story of the church. 3rd ed. Leicester: Varsity Press.

Horton, Beka. 1993. 1980. Sketches from church history. Pennsylvania: The Banner of Truth.

Kuiper, B.K. 1964. The church in history. Michigan: The National Union of Christian Schools.

Latourette, Kenneth S. 1953. A history of Christianity. New York: Harper and Row Publishers.

Lefebvre, George. 1947. The coming of the French Revolution. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.

Lewis, C.S. 1970. God in the dock: essays on theology and ethics. Michigan: William E. Eerdmans Publishing Co.

Manschreck, Clyde L. 1974. A history of Christianity in the world: from persecution to uncertainty.
New York: Prentice Hall.

Martin, Henri. 1877. A popular history of France from the first revolution to the present time, Vol.1.

Philadelphia: The Westminster Press.

Noll, Mark A. 2000. Turning points: decisive moments in the history of Christianity. 2nd ed.

Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Academic.

Rodney, Walter. 1972. How Europe underdeveloped Africa. London: Bogle L'Ouverture Publications.

Rowe, Henri K. 1931. History of the Christian people. New York: The Macmillan Company.

Sumrall, Lester. 1980. Where was God when pagan religions began? Indiana: LeSEA Publishing Co.

Vos, Howard F. 1960. Highlights of church history. Nebraska: Back to the Bible Publishers.

The World Book Encyclopaedia, 1971 ed., s.v. "Divine rights of kings".

The World Bank Encyclopaedia, 1971 e.d., s.v. "French Revolution".

Impact of the French Revolution on 18th Century Europe and Relevance to Contemporary Christianity


Oliver L.T. Harding, who obtained his GCE O & A Levels from the Sierra Leone Grammar School and the Albert Academy respectively, is currently Senior & Acting Librarian of Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone. He is a part time lecturer at the Institute of Library, Information & Communication Studies (INSLICS), Fourah Bay College and the Extension Programme at the Evangelical College of Theology (T.E.C.T) at Hall Street, Brookfields; Vice President of the Sierra Leone Association of Archivists, Librarians & Information Scientists (SLAALIS); a member of the American Theological Library Association (ATLA) and an associate of the Chartered Institute of Library & Information Professionals (CILIP). His certificates, secular and sacred, include: a certificate and diploma from the Freetown Bible Training Centre; an upper second class B.A. Hons. Degree in Modern History (F.B.C.); a post-graduate diploma from the Institute of Library Studies (INSLIBS, F.B.C) a masters degree from the Institute of Library, Information & Communication Studies (INSLICS, F.B.C.) and a masters degree in Biblical Studies from West Africa Theological Seminary, affiliate of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, where he won the prize for academic excellence as the Best Graduating Student in 2005. Oliver, a writer, musician and theologian, is married (to Francess) with two children (Olivia & Francis).


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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Vaginal Bleeding With Yeast Infection

When a woman has a yeast infection, there are a lot of different nasty symptoms she can experience, such as white or yellow discharge from the vagina, itchiness, soreness and redness around the vulva area, and even bleeding. This can be especially scary for women who have never had a yeast infection or don't know much about what happens when you have one. Vaginal bleeding with yeast infection is not just common, it's treatable, so don't worry.

When you begin to bleed due to a yeast infection it most commonly happens in two different parts of your body. It can be very uncomfortable and even frightening for some women. When bleeding occurs it's usually due to the cuts and inflammation that come along with a yeast infection. A yeast infection is simply caused by a buildup of yeast in the body which can be caused by a number of different factors and sometimes a mix of more than one.


Most women's first instinct is to attack the vagina with as many different yeast infection products as they can get their hands on, however this is a bad idea. Since your vagina is so sensitive at this point the last thing you'll want to do is go in rubbing a bunch of products on and irritating it even more, causing perhaps even more bleeding. The best thing you can do is consult a doctor and hold of on any one treatment until your get their professional advice.

Vaginal Bleeding With Yeast Infection

Those who are at the highest risk for a yeast infection are mostly women because of the nature of their biology, meaning the vagina is a moist and warm place where yeast love to hide and host, spreading and causing an infection. Also those who drink considerably and have diabetes are also at a high risk for getting a yeast infection. Men usually only get one when having unprotected sex with a woman who has a yeast infection.

Vaginal Bleeding With Yeast Infection

I have personally suffered from yeast infections for years, and I learned the hard way that vaginal bleeding with yeast infection can be difficult to get rid of.

After trying every cream, oral medication, and remedy out there I felt hopeless.

That was until I found this website:

Click here to read about my experiences and how I discovered a cure for yeast infections that began to work in about 12 hours.

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Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Fastest Way to Memorize Human Anatomy

A friend of mine was a bit of a slacker -you know the type, slow to study, always ready for the next party but never ready to buckle down. He came to me one night panicking over the next day's test which he hadn't studied for. He said his parents would disown him if he flunked. So I helped him out by teaching him some mnemonics I'd been using to prepare for the test myself.

Mnemonic is just a fancy word for memory aid, you may have heard it once or twice. Mnemonics are particularly useful for trying to absorb complex information, which makes them perfect for memorizing human anatomy. I've yet to come across any other method that works half as fast. Books aren't easy to refer to over and over, and mnemonics use the tools your mind is naturally equipped with. Makes a lot of sense to me, and he seemed to pick it up fast too.


Before he went back to his dorm, I gave him a pop quiz. He'd had a lot of trouble with the muscular system in particular, so I asked him to name the rotator cuff muscles. He remembered one of the mnemonics I showed him and said "The SITS muscles!". Seems like a funny thing to say, but within this mnemonic lies the answer, which he then followed with. It's a clever acronym. SITS --Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres minor and Subscapularis. We both had a laugh and agreed that it's unbelievably fast to learn and easy to remember. He'd been attending lectures for weeks and still couldn't remember all of the muscles until I taught him that simple phrase. He was chuffed to find a fast way to memorize anatomy.

The Fastest Way to Memorize Human Anatomy

A few of my other classmates were also struggling with their studies, so I decided to use my microphone to record some of the more complex mnemonics I knew and shared the recordings with them. All of us ended up graduating, and we have some fun using the acronyms together. Most importantly, we know what we're talking about -it's hard to forget. In my experience, mnemonics have proven to be the fastest way to memorize human anatomy.

The Fastest Way to Memorize Human Anatomy

Discover a proven system to memorize anatomy the easy way. To get started all you have to do is click here.

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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Career As a Forensic DNA Analyst

A forensic DNA analyst job is associated with specific duties in the field of forensic science. However, a person with this career is responsible for completing only a single task; thus, it is not for someone who wishes to do something different every day. Nevertheless, if you are fascinated with DNA and you want to be expert on one thing, then this career may be a good choice for you.

Job Description:


Simply put, a DNA technician is responsible for taking a sample DNA, testing it, and interpreting the results of the DNA test. The test is done to determine the identity of a person who is behind the crime being solved. Most forensic DNA analysts work for local, state, or federal law enforcement or government agencies.

Career As a Forensic DNA Analyst

When doing a DNA test, the DNA analyst takes the sample. This can be anything from skin cells taken off from the crime scene to hair follicles also found from anything in the crime scene. The forensic DNA analyst then isolates the DNA strands within it. He will then perform the actual DNA test and determine the test results. After this, the known sample will be compared to unknown samples to see if they match. Other duties of a DNA analyst include testifying about their DNA findings and interpretations in court trials as expert witnesses.

Educational Requirement:

Minimum educational requirements include a diploma or bachelor's degree in chemistry, biology, or other forensic science related studies. Candidates for the position must also have completed a course work in molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics, and statistics.  It is also an edge if the candidate has forensic science and criminal justice trainings.

Forensic DNA Analyst Salaries:

A forensic DNA job is such a lucrative career anyone qualified my ventured into. Depending on the length of experience, the company or the sector, as well as the educational qualification of the candidate, the average annual salary of a forensic DNA analyst ranges from ,000 to ,000. The number of forensic science trainings or courses a candidate has completed may also affect the salary offer.

Career As a Forensic DNA Analyst

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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Heads Up! The Way You Are Sleeping May Be Killing You!

Every one of us has a mysterious double life.

For about two thirds of the time we are conscious beings, thinking about the world within and without, and negotiating our ways through the obstacles of life. For the other one third of the time we are nearly lifeless lumps of flesh, unconscious to everything but our own fantasies, as we lie flat in bed asleep. We all know that sleep is important for health. But for an activity that consumes about 8 hours of everyday of life, surprisingly little is thought about the act of sleeping, or the way our culture teaches us to sleep. Sleep behavior, like all human activities, is defined by our culture.


Sometimes, the practices taught by our culture can impact on the way our bodies function. As medical anthropologists, we research ways our cultural practices may be affecting our health. And we have found that the way we have been trained to sleep may be one of the most important causes of various diseases plaguing our society.

Heads Up! The Way You Are Sleeping May Be Killing You!

Of course, when you consider the culture of sleeping, it includes such isues as the length of time to sleep, and time of day for sleep. Do you take frequent naps or do you sleep 8 hours straight? Do you sleep at night or during the day?

Other issues concern sleepwear. Do you sleep nude, or with pajamas or lingerie? Do you sleep in your underwear? Should the sheets be natural fabrics, such as cotton or silk, or is polyester okay? What about the detergent and fabric softeners used in the sheets, pillow case, and pj's?

Should you eat before you sleep? What is the impact of watching television before sleep? Should you take sleeping pills to help you sleep?

These are some of the culturally defined issues that help determine how we sleep, all of which may have some potential impact on health. However, there is one cultural issue that tops the list of importance, and which may greatly determine your health status. It has to do with your sleep position. Are you sleeping on a firm, flat bed, face down, with your nose and eye compressed against the bed and pillow? Or are you on your back with your head slightly elevated, as is the case for many native cultures that use hammocks or other non-flat surfaces for sleep?

The reason we ask this last question is because the circulation to the head and brain is completely related to your body position when sleeping.

We all have had a time of experiencing dizziness or lightheadedness when getting out of bed too quickly. This effect is called orthostatic hypotension, and results from the fact that blood pressure falls when you lie down, and sudden raising of the head may temporarily deprive the brain of sufficient blood pressure, resulting in the dizziness or lightheadedness. The blood pressure soon rises, increasing the blood supply to the brain, as you feel normal again.

This phenomenon shows that the body's position, relative to gravity, influences head and brain circulation. You can also demonstrate this by doing a head stand, which many yoga practitioners do daily. Intracranial pressure rises dramatically, as blood rushes to the head, which becomes beet red, and the neck veins swell out, as blood pools in the venous system.

But apart from these examples, very little, if anything, is mentioned in medical physiology textbooks about gravity and its impact on circulation. Yet, you cannot fully understand brain circulation without considering gravity.

The effect of gravity on brain circulation is purely mechanical, and relates to the position of the head relative to the pumping heart. When we are standing up, the head is above the heart, so blood must pump against the force of gravity -- from the heart to the brain -- lowering the effective pressure with which the arterial blood is delivered to the brain. Meanwhile, drainage of blood from the brain to the heart is facilitated by the pull of gravity.

In contrast, when we lie down and are horizontal, the heart and head are now on the same plane. This eliminates the effects of gravity on brain circulation. Blood from the heart pumps powerfully into the head without gravity's resistance, increasing intracranial pressure. And blood returning from the brain to the heart must do so without gravity's assistance, causing a back-up of blood in the brain.

Essentially, intracranial pressure increases, and overall brain circulation diminishes, when you are lying flat compared to standing up.

Of course, the body is intelligent and has mechanisms for controlling brain pressure under different gravity situations. When the brain gets pressurized from lying down, there are various pressure receptors in the head and neck designed to lower blood pressure, thereby preventing too much brain pressure and the possibility of blowing a blood vessel or creating a cerebral aneurysm. This is why blood pressure is lower when we are sleeping, and horizontal.

But these brain mechanisms for adjusting pressure have their limits. As we go through the day in a vertical position, gravity relentlessly pulls our body's fluids downwards, which is why many people have swollen feet and ankles by day's end. Once we lie down, the gravity effect is lost, as fluid leaves the legs and returns to the head. So despite our brains normal defense mechanisms, throughout the night intracranial pressure increases and is highest in the morning, after hours of lying flat, and lowest at the end of the day, after hours of being vertical.

What happens when intracranial pressure is high from long periods of lying flat? The increased arterial pressure causes extra cerebral spinal fluid to form in the brain's ventricles, increasing intracranial fluid pressure. The ventricles swell and the cells of the brain become bathed in excess fluid, essentially causing brain edema. This edema would lower the available oxygen and sugar for brain cells. The lack of gravity assisted drainage from the brain would cause a back-up of blood in the venous system and collecting sinuses in the brain. The brain's circulation would become relatively stagnant, as the only force moving blood through would be the pushing force of the arterial pressure (which is greatly reduced after going through the cerebral circulation) and the sucking force of the heart's right atrium. And in addition to the brain swelling under the pressure, the eyes, ears, face, sinuses, gums -- the entire head -- will become pressurized and the tissues congested with fluid!

There is one field of medicine that avidly studies this effect of gravity on physiology. That sub-specialty is Space Medicine. Astronauts in space are in a zero-gravity field, and it is known that this causes blood to shift to the head and brain, causing increased brain pressure and accompanying migraines, glaucoma, Meniere's disease, and other problems associated with a pressurized, congested brain. To study the negative effects of zero-gravity here on Earth, these space scientists have people lie down flat! However, since medicine is so wide a field, with sub-specialists learning more and more about less and less, there is little exchange of ideas between space medicine and Earth-bound medicine. Otherwise, someone would have realized that lying flat is what we do when we sleep. If it causes problems for astronauts, then couldn't it cause problems for everyone else?

We found out about this Space research while we performed our own research into sleep positions as a possible cause of migraines. We hypothesized that sleeping too flat for too long each night could lead to brain pressure and fluid accumulation (edema) within the brain tissue, with associated hypoxia and hypoglycemia. The brain cannot function well without proper amounts of oxygen or sugar, and this condition would be at its worst in the morning, which is when most migraines occur.

While migraines have been thought of as a pathological phenomenon, it is also possible that the migraine is the brain's defense mechanism to receive new blood along with sugar and oxygen. After all, the only way the brain can get what it needs is from the bloodstream, and during a migraine arteries to the head open up and send blood with force throughout the brain. Perhaps, we reasoned, the migraine is a type of emergency "brain flush", replacing old blood with new. If so, could we prevent migraines by having migraine sufferers sleep with their heads slightly elevated?

We tested our theory by having about 100 volunteer migraineurs sleep with the heads of their beds elevated, from 10-30 degrees. Head elevation, we theorized, would improve the brain circulation by providing some gravity assistance to drainage. Interestingly, we found that Space Medicine researchers discovered that brain circulation (and heart pumping) is optimal at a 30-degree head of bed elevation.

To our amazement, we found that the majority of the migraineurs in our study experienced relief by this simple sleep position change! Many had no new migraines, after being migraine sufferers for 30 or more years! The results were very fast, within a few days. And there were very interesting side effects, too. Our volunteers woke up more alert. Morning sinus congestion was significantly reduced for most people. Some reported that they no longer had certain allergies. Could we have discovered the real purpose and cause of migraines?

The implications of these findings were, frankly, astounding to us. So many diseases are related to increased brain pressure of "unknown" cause. Sleep position was never studied as the cause of this increased pressure. The implications go far beyond the prevention and treatment of migraines. Any condition that is related to brain pressure, and that is usually worse in the morning after a night of horizontal time, can be potentially related to this gravity and sleep position issue.

Keep in mind that the brain is the central nervous system controlling and modifying all bodily functions. If certain centers of the brain are congested and pressurized daily by sleeping too flat for long hours, those centers can malfunction. Depending on the way a person sleeps, the idiosyncrasies of their brain circulation, and other variables, different people might experience this brain pressure differently. For some, the respiratory centers of the hypothalamus might be particularly congested, resulting in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (which has been associated with head and body position while sleeping), sleep apnea, or even asthma. Sleep apnea has been shown to be treatable with changes in sleep position.

Strokes are clearly associated with brain pressure, and usually occur at night or in the early morning, while sleeping. This is when brain pressure is highest.

Glaucoma is clearly caused by this mechanism. It is already known that eye pressure increases when the head is down, and decreases when the head is up. It is essential to note the head position when taking eye pressure readings because of this sensitive relationship between intraocular pressure and head position. Eye pressure is also highest in the early morning. Elevating the head while sleeping should be routine for glaucoma treatment and prevention.

Baggy eyes and sinus congestion seem to be related to head pressure. Just as the brain gets extra pressure when lying down, the head and face are pressurized, too. People with these problems usually find immediate relief by sleeping elevated 10-30 degrees.

Alzheimer's disease, we believe, might be the end disease caused by chronic brain congestion and pressure from flat sleeping. The cerebral ventricles of the Alzheimer's brain are expanded, suggesting a history of ventricular pressure, and generalized lesions along the ventricles may indicate areas of brain tissue that have deteriorated from this chronic pressure. Other research has already shown Alzheimer's is associated with increased brain pressure, but the cause has been considered unknown, as is the case with almost all brain pressure problems.

It should be noted that the blood-brain barrier cannot function properly when pressurized. Excessive intracranial pressure can cause leaks in this barrier by expanding the basement membrane, allowing heavy metals, e.g., aluminum and mercury, as well as viruses and bacteria, to enter the brain that would have otherwise been excluded. This may be why heavy metals have been associated with certain brain problems, such as Alzheimer's.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is also known to be associated with congestion of the "impulse center" within the brain that helps control behavior. We found several children with ADHD experience profound improvement of self control by elevating their heads while sleeping.

In addition to head position relative to gravity, we also have found side or belly sleeping can create problems. For example, we found several cases of carpel tunnel syndrome related to sleeping on the hands or wrists, and shoulder pain from sleeping on the side. And keep in mind that head pressure increases, and drainage diminishes, when the head is rotated to the side. Sleeping on the back avoids compression of limbs and internal organs.

It is also interesting to note that patients with asymmetrical problems will typically be worse on the side they sleep on. For example, eye pathology will be worse in the eye on the side of the face that is slept on most. Ear infections will be worse on the "down" ear. You can also tell the side a person sleeps on by observing the shape of the nose. Apart from injuries, the nose should be symmetrical, but becomes curved away from the pillow because of sleeping on the side of the face and pressing on the nose for hours each night. The nose will point away from the side that is most slept on.

Men should be told that side sleeping may result in testicular compression and possible dysfunction. And women who sleep on their sides or stomachs subject their breasts to compression and impaired circulation. Side sleepers may have more breast trouble on the side they sleep on.

We should forewarn the practitioner, however, that, while the effect of elevating the head while sleeping will be dramatic and transformative for many patients and should be considered essential to disease prevention strategies, the fact is that many people resist changing their sleep behaviors. They have been conditioned to sleep a certain way since birth. And even when they want to change their sleep position, it's difficult to ensure compliance when the subject is unconscious! It takes tremendous will power to alter sleep behavior. But it is well worth the trouble, as people usually see within a week of sleeping elevated.

We found the best methods for head elevation include using more pillows, using a foam wedge, placing blocks under the legs of the bed frame at the head of the bed, or using an adjustable bed. While the ideal position is with the head from 10-30 degrees elevated, 10 degrees elevation is fine to start with. The legs should be slightly elevated, too, and the person should try to stay on his or her back as much as possible. The ideal position is one you would be in if leaning back in a recliner chair. (Recliners would be fine to use, too, but they usually give poor lower back support.) Also, be aware that some people will find one degree of elevation more comfortable than another. People with low blood pressure may need their heads lower than those with higher blood pressure. Others may have some neck and shoulder discomfort from the new position. However, by experimenting with pillows under the arms, underneath the buttocks (which prevents sliding down the bed), and under the feet and legs, the patient should find a comfortable solution.

Also, when taking in to effect patient history, realize that neck injuries and tight neck muscles can impair venous drainage of the brain by compression of the jugular veins by the tight muscles. Neck massage and spinal adjustments may help improve overall brain circulation. We have had a few case histories where there was little or no improvement from head elevation, but the subjects had a history of neck injuries.

Of course, there will be times when people feel lightheaded and need to lie down to get more blood to the head. It might also be better for people to sleep less at night and to make up for lost sleep with a nap, or a siesta, during the day. That would avoid extremes of high and low brain pressure. But our culture makes it necessary for most people to do all their sleeping at once. Sleeping, after all, is a cultural issue. The point is to be aware of how you feel, and realize that your body position relative to gravity may be a key factor affecting health and disease.

We are continuing to research this effect of gravity and sleep position on health, and encourage practitioners to communicate their patients' experiences with us. We also highly encourage you to read our book, Get It Up! Revealing the Simple Surprising Lifestyle that Causes Migraines, Alzheimer's, Stroke, Glaucoma, Sleep Apnea, Impotence, and More! (ISCD Press, 2001), where we discuss the profound implications of this theory, including a lengthy list of references about brain pressure and various diseases and the effect of gravity on brain circulation. After you see the evidence, you will probably be as amazed as we are that sleep research has been ignoring this critical aspect of sleep.

Sleeping too flat each day may be the greatest lifestyle mistake people are making in our culture. Some of the worst diseases of our time may be all in our bed!

Heads Up! The Way You Are Sleeping May Be Killing You!

Sydney Ross Singer is a medical anthropologist and director of the Institute for the Study of Culturogenic Disease, located in Hawaii. His unique form of applied medical anthropology searches for the cultural/lifestyle causes of disease. His working assumption is that our bodies were made to be healthy, but our culture and the attitudes and behaviors it instills in us can get in the way of health. By eliminating these causes, the body is allowed to heal. Since most diseases of our time are caused by our culture/lifestyle, this approach has resulted in many original discoveries into the cause, and cure, of many common diseases. It also makes prevention possible by eliminating adverse lifestyle practices. Sydney works with his co-researcher and wife, Soma Grismaijer, and is the author of several groundbreaking health books.

Sydney's background includes a B.S. in biology from the University of Utah; an M.A. degree from Duke University in biochemistry and anthropology; 2 years of medical school training at UTMB at Galveston, along with Ph.D. training in medical humanities.

For a brief outline and instructions for head elevation, you may also want to visit our website, or contact our Institute at (808) 935-5563.

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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

How To Write A Farewell Speech

Good byes are touching. The memory of good byes while taking leave from our relatives after a great get together, a yearly meet with friends, reunion good nights and relocation farewells are all emotional experiences. This is one time, when we regale through all the experiences gained from this outset. Farewell speeches are not a compulsion but a gesture of showing your feelings. Farewell tones go on from Thank you notes, recounting experiences shared, first time meetings and also clarifying misunderstandings.

Formal farewell goodbyes are necessary in office culture. Generally the dress code is formal and the ambiance gives it a ceremonial feel. It is highly necessary to Thank all your peers, colleagues, associates and blue collar profiles too. Keep the list minimum and a long list of thank you notes can render the speech as tedious.


Keep a general line, ' I thank all those people who have stood by me, my associates here and other peripheral support, for the recognition I have gained in these twenty years.' Complete by shaking hands with each person, recognize team effort. Go across to senior colleagues and if you notice that someone is an introvert, make the first move to bid goodbye. This is not the time to harbor old grudges and make up with someone you have not been cordial with.

How To Write A Farewell Speech

The photographs, send off gift and citation is a life time award and will always be green in your memory. Office farewells, can also be marked with humorous lines enumerating instances. However, it is best to judge the nature of the gathering and if the atmosphere is congenial to such one liners then one can try this example, ' The first day, I entered office, it was pouring and no one was around. I came in dripping wet with a crumpled umbrella to find Mr., Albert squeezing his socks'. This sure will lighten the atmosphere if it has turned serious with your introduction, ' This is an overwhelming moment for me. As many times I have stood in this podium to deliver speeches and presentations to bag a project, this one is a sentimental expression from me.'

Long years of friendship end when students finish their high school studies. The memories reflect sharing, merits and little meaningless fights. This is the time to go forward to someone whom you have disliked or had a brawl with. If you are appointed to give a farewell speech, write a few lines yourself. Make sure to thank all your teachers and helpers in the school. Appreciate the overall support, the extra help at math and the cultural programs.

Be natural, spontaneous with 'I did not realize that I have grown up enough to leave school. Miss Bridget would be happy today, since she always kept telling me to 'Grow up' whenever I whined at homeworks.' 'I remember the support when I my baseball team lost the match and Coach Edward remarked that he could see the fighting spirit in me which is the mark of a sportsman. Looking in the direction of Mr. Edward you could take a bow and say, 'You have been real special.'

Thank your friends. 'I am wondering if I would get lonely at the graduation college, since am so used to leaning on your shoulders (pointing to your group). The base for honing my personality has been this institution and the continuous support of my all my teachers. (addressing the dean). On behalf of all the students, I thank you.'

How To Write A Farewell Speech

For writing any kind of farewell speech, it is necessary to have strong command over English speaking [], as English is an international language. You can also check our websites on writing farewell speech and quotes by famous people for more information.

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Sunday, July 1, 2012

8th Grade Science Fair Project

Any topic can be selected for 8th grade science fair project provided it uses scientific process. It is better to take the simple one, which is experimental in nature and not designing a model. The topic selected for an 8th grade science fair project should not be a replica of an already tried experiment. The original experiment should not be represented as such with out any change. The individual, who works on the topic, should have complete knowledge about the topic undertaken. The project or experiment, even if it is small should be focused and the demonstration should be complete and easily understandable.

The data and variables should be represented in the graph in a neat and appealing way. Equations can be used to show the relation between the variables. And vague expression of ideas by waving hands should be avoided. Unlike the middle school projects finding resources in encyclopedias or web resources will not be sufficient. Further references need to be done in the recent publications, high school texts etc in order to cover the adult audience. The 8th grade science fair project should be unswerving from the topic given. Display boards need to be used to display the data. The project should include the interview by the judges and one should be prepared for that too.


The general fields from which one can select topics for 8th grade science fair project are anatomy, astronomy, biology, botany, chemistry, geology, mathematics, microbiology, physics, physiology, zoology and so on. The 8th grade science fair project should not be a report submitted on any of the given field. It should involve some experimental research, concept development, some inventions or designing some thing new and so on.

8th Grade Science Fair Project

The basic processes involved in an 8th grade science fair project can be explained in different stages. It involves selection of an appropriate topic, collecting the information, preparing the plan on how to proceed, preparing the project based on the plan, trying out the experiment, finding out the implications by analyzing the data, writing the report, making the display of the project, rehearsing for the actual presentation, carrying out the actual presentation. When all these processes are properly carried out then the result will be really amazing.

The presentation of report for 8th grade science fair project should be handled with proper care. Since it is the one which is going to be a record for the work one has done in the 8th grade science fair project. The report should consist of table of contents with list and page numbers, abstract of the project, research report, purpose, hypothesis, materials, procedure, results, conclusions, acknowledgments and bibliography. Care and involvement in the work is essential throughout the working of the project.

8th Grade Science Fair Project

Jordan Matthews is a High School Math and Science teacher who has worked as a judge and a coordinator of many science fairs. Check his Science Fair Project ideas website for some more ideas and information, with particular interest in middle school, especially 8th grade science fair projects.

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